Sunday, July 18, 2010


Here is Alexis. She has been a great babysitter to Mckayla this summer. She really is her favorite auntie!!

Here is Justin and Mckayla on Father's Day. Boy oh boy she is a daddy's girl. We call her "cling on."

Mom and Mckayla before church.

Here is the cutest girl ever. Mckayla is 21 months old and in the "toddler" stage. We can't believe how fast she is growing. She speaks very well and has an extensive vocabulary. She can say calculator and elephant. She loves to be outside and explore her world. Her favorite phrases include: "I want to go outside." "I want to go to the park." "I want a snack." "I want to watch elmo." "I want my blankie." Can you see the pattern? "I want...I want....I want...."

Here is Justin with Mckayla and our nephew Caden.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Mckayla is getting so big and is such a cute girl! Cute cute pictures!